
My daily non-negotiable practices

How did I find my healthy lifestyle routine? By looking at other people’s routines, gathering inspiration, and then seeing how I can create a routine that works for me. Sharing is caring and here is a glimpse into my everyday practices that are not negotiable for me!

2 min read

August 5, 2021

Do I sound like a broken record when I say that building a healthy lifestyle is all about finding a routine that works for YOU?

Copying someone else’s routine might help guide you in the right direction, but at the end of the day, someone else’s routine is catered to their life, not yours.

We all have different routines, live on different schedules, and thus, have different needs!

So how did I find my healthy lifestyle routine? By doing exactly what you’re doing … looking at other people’s routines, gathering inspiration, and then seeing how I can create a routine that works for me. 

I personally believe that sharing is caring. Now, although what works for me might not be suitable for your lifestyle, it never hurts to share! Here are some of my daily practices that are non-negotiable for me:

Water first, coffee second

Water before coffee is very beneficial and I have personally found that it makes my body feel great in the morning! Our bodies become dehydrated when we sleep and having a cup of coffee as the first source of “hydration” in the morning does not do a good enough job at rehydrating the body. Making it a habit to have one big glass of water not only helps you wake up and rehydrate your body, it also then allows you to actually enjoy that morning cup of joe! To be honest, since beginning my “water first, coffee second” ritual, I’ve noticed that most mornings, I don’t even need that cup of coffee. It’s not about needing the caffeine anymore, it has now become more about the self-care behind it because I take the time to sit down, think about my day, and then I’m able to start my day off knowing what to do and feel relaxed.

A little bit of movement every single day

Notice how I said movement and not a workout every day? Even the most committed people know that it is so hard to schedule in a workout every single day. To be honest, I can’t see that being very healthy either! Your body naturally needs rest. So no, I do not workout every single day, but I do try my best to move a little bit every day. I personally find that my body is physically and mentally at its best when I have movement in my day. This looks like a long walk with my dog, walking to do my errands rather than driving (when possible), stretching, taking the stairs, and of course a workout some days. There are no “minimums” or “goals” I try to achieve every single day. I’m not hard on myself when it comes to movement. It’s more about making it a lifestyle. I’ve noticed just how much movement has also helped my mental health and that’s a big part of the reason why I make it a priority.


If you know me, you know this one was going to be on the list hahaha!

With a busy lifestyle, this has been my way of ensuring that I am getting vitamins and nutrients into my diet everyday day. Nutrition has become a very important part of my life and I continue to see the benefits of it every day. I try my best to eat intuitively and honestly, most days, I crave my afternoon smoothies.  My favourite thing about smoothies is that you can add something new to your smoothies all the time, switch up your recipes, experiment with new flavours and that way you never get bored of the taste!

Want some more smoothie content? You bet I’ve got you covered. Here is a blog post about My smoothie ESSENTIALS!

Prefer smoothie bowls? Here is how you can make the perfect smoothie bowl at home (no fancy blenders required!)

Puppy cuddles - a.k.a. making time for self-care

My dog is a BIG part of my life and time with him is self-care to me. But in the bigger picture, making just a little bit of time for myself every day has been a non-negotiable for a while. This has helped me live more in the present moment and taught me how to be more mindful + in-tune with my body. I have also been enjoying digital detoxes recently. I genuinely love social media, but it’s also healthy to have a break. Lately, it’s been weekends where I have been putting my phone away for hours at a time. I love it and no FOMO!

As I always say, living a healthy lifestyle does not look the same for everyone! These are steps that work for me and the lifestyle that I am building for myself. They are neither complicated nor extreme. I love to keep things simple (life is complicated enough already, am I right?). I hope my daily practices have inspired you to reflect and create your own!

Know yourself, know your body & until next time!
