
5 ways to add positivity to your home

Over the last two years, the idea of what our homes are to us has completely changed. Here is how I was able to bring the positivity back into my home.

5 min read

June 11, 2021

Over the last two years, since the beginning of the C word, the idea of what our homes are to us has completely changed. For the majority of us, our home went from being a cozy space where we relaxed to being our office, our school, our gym and so much more.

As a result of this, our home may no longer feel like the positive space that it once was. I remember feeling this way a few months ago when I realized that it became harder and harder to relax in the same four walls that I worked in all day. I struggled with separating the various parts of my life since I wasn’t physically able to separate from work by leaving the office and going home.

Although working from home may not be over any time soon, there are certainly ways to bring back the positive vibes in our homes! Here are 5 small changes that I have and recommend that you try as well.

1. Natural light

The first thing that I do every single morning is open up all of the curtains/blinds in my home to let in as much natural light as possible. Natural light can completely transform your space and your mood. The bright light helps you wake up naturally and feel more alert throughout the day. You see, artificial light, although it may make the room bright, makes us feel more tired and can be harsh on those with sensitive eyes.

Even during the winter time, although there may not be a lot of sun outside, the light still reflects off of the snow, which naturally lights up the inside of our home!

If natural light is too bright, you can also consider buying lighter curtains or blinds that don’t have full coverage when it comes to blocking out the sun. This can be an in-between way to let in light while not having full on sunshine!

2. Making your home smell nice

If I could have all of my windows open all day and all night I would. I just love fresh air. Every opportunity that I have, I have my windows open. Sometimes I will even sacrifice having the air conditioner on to have some fresh air hahaha!

Naturally, if something smells good, we have a positive association with it. The same goes with our home – if we love the way our space smells, we are happier in it.

Fresh air is not the only way to keep your home smelling good.

Did someone say candles? Who else has a slight shopping addiction when it comes to candles? Collecting candles may just be one of my favourite hobbies. And don’t even get me started on my diffuser oils (heart eyes).

There are so many simple and creative ways that you can make your home smell good and you can completely customize your home to smell a way that you love!

3. Plants

Anyone who follows me on my socials knows that I have recently become an OBSESSED plant mama and I am loving it!

Not only is it very beneficial to have plants in your home because they purify the air and help to eliminate toxins, but they also give us something to nurture and care for.

When we commit to having plants in our home, we are now accountable to keep those plants healthy and thriving.

This is a great way to boost positivity because on the days where we feel down or unproductive, seeing our plants growing gives us a sense of accomplishment and pride.

If you think that you don’t have what it takes to be a plant parent, you’re wrong! Even if you don’t have experience in the plant world, there are so many easy-to-care-for plants. My go-to recommendation is always snake plants! Not only are they pretty low maintenance, they look really cool too.

I must warn you though, plants can easily become addicting!

4. Small décor changes

Have you ever noticed that if you move one small piece of furniture around, suddenly the entire room looks different?

Making subtle and small décor changes can completely change the look of your space, making it look like a whole new room.

My favourite way to freshen up my space is to buy new pots for my plants every so often, move small décor items such as candles or lamps around, and ever rearranging the placement of our couch! Putting in a little bit of effort to decorate your space for different holidays/occasions throughout the year can also be a much-needed refresh!

5. Clean/Declutter/Organize

If your first thought when reading this way “ugh” then you’re not alone. Tidying up a space, no matter how big or how small, can be such a chore…. But it’s one of those chores that is so worth it once it’s done.

Clutter= stress

If your space is messy, disorganized or even just cluttered, it makes your mind feel the exact same way.

I have learned that having less is more. The truth is, we don’t need most of the stuff that we keep laying around in a random closet or piled up in the corner of a spare room.

Now, decluttering an entire home is overwhelming. But luckily, you DON’T need to declutter your entire home to make it more positive! Choose one area that you use the most to clean/declutter/organize. Is that your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room? Pick the area that you and your family spend the most time in and focus on that area only. Baby steps! This does not have to be an overwhelming process.

If you find that you are someone who feels stressed by the clutter/mess that accumulates on a daily basis, here is my tip for you:

I am the exact same way! I hate when the counters are cluttered, when there are dishes in the sink and when the bed isn’t made – it throws off my entire day! I love to have a clean space, but my problem was that I was constantly feeling the need to clean. This is when I decided to put in boundaries with cleaning.

Everyday (usually after my work day is done), I set a 20-minute timer. For those 20-minutes, I put everything else on pause and just focus on cleaning. You would be surprised just how much you can get done in such a short period of time. After the timer is done, I feel accomplished and my space is tidied up!

That is it and that is all!  5 small changes I made that truly helped me make my home a more positive space despite every thing going on in the world outside of my home.

Feel free to give one or a few of these a try for yourself. If you do try one (or more) out, post a story on Instagram and don’t forget to tag me in it. I would love to see!

Remember, it’s all about the little changes that you make!


Know yourself, know your body & until next time!
