
How to attract positivity into your life

“Be the energy you want to attract.” Believe it or not, there are small things that we can all do to attract those positive vibes into our lives! This blog post features 5 of my favs.

4 min read

July 7, 2021

“Be the energy you want to attract”


We could all use a little bit more positivity in our lives, right? In today’s world, negativity is so easy to come by; yet, we have to search to find something joyful and uplifting.

The thing is, there are little things that we can all do to attract positive vibes into our lives. The saying is true: “It’s the little things” and small doses of happiness can significantly impact us in a good way.

 Happiness is all around us, we just have to open our eyes.

Many would say that the last two to three years of their life has been rough and, to a certain extent, I can resonate with that. To put it simply, these last three years have been a roller coaster ride. As part of my goal to live a more positive life, I began looking for ways that I, myself, could attract happiness back into my life.

Here is what I’ve come up with:  


1.   Have something to care for

 As human beings, we are naturally nurturing. To some extent or another, we have this need to care for someone or something – even if we don’t realize it.

Now for those of us who aren’t at the stage where we are having kids or for those of us who don’t plan to have kids, we can experience this feeling through taking care of our friends, partners, fur babies, and even plants!

Since becoming a dog mom (cheesy, I know), I have found myself being much more nurturing than I was prior to having him. I have absolutely love watching him grow up and learn new things. Seeing him go from the clumsiest little puppy to a grown up doggo (who is still a little clumsy) has been so much fun.

This spring, I also dove head first into the plant mom life. My new home was in desperate need of some greenery and I made sure the fill every single corner, ledge, and table with a plant. I must say that I am pretty impressed with myself - I had absolutely no luck with keeping plants alive beforehand. But the joy and excitement that I feel when I see my plant babies thriving and growing attracts so much positivity into my day-to-day life.

We all have a need (no matter how small) to care for something other than ourselves. Satisfying our need to nurture is a beautiful way to attract positivity.

*Disclaimer* Animals are a very big responsibility and a commitment, both financially and time-wise. Please hold off on getting an animal until you are ready to care for it in every way necessary :)


2.   Look good for yourself

The way that we see ourselves when we look in the mirror can have an impact on how we feel. I certainly cannot speak for everyone, but I feel much more confident when I look good! Putting in the effort to look good for yourself can attract some serious positive vibes into your life.

 For me, it’s the simple things like putting on some jewellery or an outfit that I love.

I used to live with the mentality that I had to save my “nice” clothes for going out, but if I want to look cute at home, why am I stopping myself from doing that??

Whether it’s doing your make up for yourself, giving yourself a full body shave (we all know the feeling of being silky smooth) or wearing your favourite loungewear set, do it for you!


3. Prioritize your health

This tip is all about taking it back to the basics.

Get enough sleep every night.

Fuel your body with good food.

Get some fresh air.

Move your body a little bit every single day.


4.   Give yourself peace

 It wasn’t until recently that I learned about the value of peace and quiet. Oh how much I love sitting on my balcony and simply feeling the warm sun on my face. That for me is the ultimate relaxation.

No matter what lifestyle we live and no matter what our routines look like, our lives can be become stressful, hectic, and rushed at times. We get so used to this; we just keep going and going and going until we are exhausted.

Finding peace looks different for us all. For me, it's sitting in the sun, for you it may be reading a book, watching a show and tuning out the rest of the world, meditating or simply sitting in a quiet room.

Consciously making the effort to slow down and create those moments of peace for yourself does so much for your wellbeing, thus attracting positivity into your life!


5.   Small acts of kindness

Have you ever realized that when you do something nice for someone else, you feel so good? The thing with doing these small acts of kindness is that they are contagious!

You do it once and you’ll want to do it again. Additionally, you’ll inspire others to want to do small acts of kindness on their own as well.

Doing simple acts like these not only adds positivity into your own life, but the lives of those that we help as well!

 If you enjoyed this blog post, check out my blog post on 5 ways to practice self-care that you may not have thought about.

Know yourself, know your body & until next time! 
