
Mindset shifts I made at the beginning of my healthy living journey

Making mindset shifts can be HARD and UNCOMFORTABLE. Luckily, I'm here to share my advice with you on how I was able to slowly begin shifting my mindset to a more positive one!

3 min read

September 13, 2021

I won’t sugar-coat it…

Changing your mindset is HARD.

I will use myself as the perfect example for this one.

I used to be so stubborn and stuck in my ways. I wasn’t very open-minded and, unfortunately, my mind went to the negatives before it ever even considered the positives.

My mindset back then was “If I expect the worst, at least I won’t be disappointed.”

Now, although that mindset may work for some, it did not align with the life that I wanted to live.

After lots of thinking, unlearning, and re-learning, I was slowly able to find ways to shift my mindset into a more abundant and positive one.

In today’s blog post, I’m sharing with you the mindset shifts that I made at the beginning of my healthy living journey. You’ll see that these are not your regular quotes and some may actually seem hard to accept.

But, the truth is, these mindset shifts have helped me live a more positive and fulfilled life. At first, it was challenging to embody these shifts as I had been living in a completely opposite mindset. Unlearning those negative thoughts and the feelings that came to my head naturally was awkward, strange, and definitely a process. Once I began to work on myself, these shifts began happening organically. My subconscious thoughts became more positive and I began to see the world around me in a much more beautiful way.

The first shift is actually a quote that my boyfriend Alex used to tell me all the time. The first few times I heard this quote, my instant reaction was to fire back all the reasons why it wasn’t true…but after much reflecting, I began to embody it and now truly believe in it.

“You create your own luck”

Yes, of course, there are things in life that can be solely associated with both good luck or bad luck. But if you really think about it, many of the things we deem as “good luck” in life were earned. Financial success, career success, having a healthy relationship, living a healthy lifestyle – none of that comes naturally, it all requires effort. 

There are a lot of things that we don’t see when it comes to the “behind the scenes” of people’s lives. We only see the end results. It’s easy to say that those people are lucky, but what we don’t see is the hours they’ve put in, the sacrifices they’ve made, and what it really took for them to get this “lucky.”

I came across this quote on an Instagram page that I follow (@bossbabe.inc) about one year ago. It’s one of those quotes that really makes you think! We tend to feel jealous, envious, or downright dislike celebrities for their “luck” to tour the world and perform, but just like the quote says, they didn’t get there overnight.

This goes for anything and anyone. From relationships to lifestyles to careers, you can create your own luck by putting in the effort.

*WARNING* it won’t be easy and you’ll probably want to quit 100 times, but it will be worth it.

“Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you”

This quote can be interpreted in so many different ways.

The same applies as for the first quote regarding luck, yes, sometimes bad things happen and it is no one’s fault – no one could have predicted it or stopped it. However, if you play the victim in every single negative experience in your life, you will never grow, you will never learn, and you will never acquire the ability to move forward from that experience in a better way. 

A personal example is my health struggles. Yes, this was a horrible thing that happened to me, but I also took my struggles as an opportunity to re-evaluate my situation, my habits, and the overall quality of my life. Over the last three years, I have made so many changes (to be honest, my life looks nothing like it did pre-cancer) and that has allowed me to get to where I am today – happy, healthy, and very grateful!

It’s all about how you respond to the situation. Your response and your actions are 100% in your power. You can respond in a negative way or you can choose to respond in a positive way.

BUT….choosing to respond positively does NOT mean that you’re all happy-go-lucky about a shitty situation! Absolutely not! Responding to a circumstance in a more positive way means that you accept it, mourn it (feel all the feelings – it’s okay to be sad!), but then you take the lessons and learn + grow from it.

Responding negatively would including dwelling on the situation endlessly and seeing yourself as the victim always.

“It is not impossible”


It makes me so sad when I hear people say that achieving their dreams and desires is impossible.

They are only impossible if you truly believe that they are. With the right mindset and with persistence, nothing is impossible.

Call me a dreamer, but I 100% believe that if you set your mind to it and you believe in it, you can make it happen.

Look at all of the people in the world who have what you want to have. Maybe you think it’s impossible for you to have your massive dream house, but there are people who have that same house. They didn’t say it was impossible! Or the people who currently have your dream career. Do you think they told themselves that it was just a dream? How about the successful business owners who started out in their basement and now run an empire – do you think they thought it couldn’t happen for them?

Nope! They worked their butts off, they did what they had to do, and they got there.

If you just believe in yourself – not matter what it is – there is nothing that is impossible.

Mindset shifts and altering your beliefs is not for the faint of heart. Do I sound too repetitive when I say that it takes a lot of work? Maybe I do, but I promise that the reward is beautiful!

Love reading about mindset? Here are some more mindset blog posts for you! 

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Know yourself, know your body & until next time!
